1) The participants will answer a set of tests individually.

2) The test consists of 10 questions. Answer all questions.

3) The time allocated for this test is 1 hours.

4) Participants are not allowed to copy and communicate with one another during the test.

5) Participants are not allowed to bring any notes, books, handphone, calculator and any electronic devices.

6) Any participants who cause any forms of disturbance during the test, the whole group will be disqualified from this competition.

7) Please raise your hand to ask for assistance or if you wish to excuse yourself to the washroom.

8) The group’s score will be the sum of each member’s marks.


1) The participants will answer a set of tests individually.

2) The test consists of 10 questions. Answer all questions.

3) The time allocated for this test is 1 hours.

4) Participants are not allowed to copy and communicate with one another during the test.

5) Participants are not allowed to bring any notes, books, handphone, calculator and any electronic devices.

6) Any participants who cause any forms of disturbance during the test, the whole group will be disqualified from this competition.

7) Please raise your hand to ask for assistance or if you wish to excuse yourself to the washroom.

8) The group’s score will be the sum of each member’s marks.


1) This round will be conducted in group.

2) There are five tasks. Answer all the tasks given.

3) The tasks will be given in stages and the time allocated for each task is 12 minutes.

4) Therefore, the time allocated for this stage is 60 minutes.

5) Participants are not allowed to copy and communicate with other teams during this stage.

6) Participants are not allowed to bring any notes, books, handphone or any electronic devices including your calculator.

7) Any participants who cause any forms of disturbance during this stage, the whole group will be disqualified from this competition.

8) Please raise your hand to ask for assistance or if you wish to excuse yourself to the washroom.

9) The overall scores will be the sum of First and Second Preliminary.

10) Twelve groups with the highest scores will be selected for semifinal.

SEMI-FINAL STAGE (7/4/2020) (11.00AM-12.30PM)


For the first round, the rules and regulations are as followed:

• This round will be conducted individually.

• Each participant will be given one (1) question according to their turns in group. (For example, the first question will be for the first member from SMK/SMJK/MRSM/SBP… (2nd 3rd fourth question)…. and the following question will go in the same order)

• Discussion are not allowed between group members in the first round.

• There will be an observer behind each group. A red card will be raised by the observer if you are found discussing and no marks will be awarded for your answer.

• Each correct answer will be awarded 5 marks. No deduction for any incorrect answer.

• The score for each member will be totaled as the group’s score.

• You are given 60 seconds for each question and another 5 seconds to state your answer.

• The question will be displayed on the screen of your laptops. For this round, the total marks for SMK/MRSM/SBP/SMJK________________ is___________.


1) This round will be conducted in groups.

2) There will be 8 questions. Each group will answer the same questions.

3) The questions will be displayed on the screens.

4) Every correct answer will be awarded 5 marks and no deduction for incorrect answer.

5) Please write your final answer on the board given.

6) As soon as the bell rings, please display your answer on the board to the judges. No marks will be given to groups that fail to display their answers on time.

7) The time given for each question is 60 seconds and you are given 5 seconds to write your answer. Question 1, your 2 minutes starts now! Time’s up! All groups please display your answer. Thank you.


1) For this round, you will be playing a game called Mathzzle.

2) This round will be conducted in groups.

3) The time given to solve the mathzzle is 30 minutes.

4) If you manage to solve the equation correctly within 1 minutes, your group will get marks. No deduction for any incorrect answer.

8) The rules of Mathzzle are as followed:

A. Complete the equation within 1 minutes.

FINAL STAGE (7/4/2020) (2.00PM-3.30PM)

1) Welcome to the Final stage of Ultimate Mathematics Challenge. Congratulations for being selected to this stage.

2) Leader for each group, please come forward to draw lots for your placement. The groups will be labelled as Team A, Team B, Team C and Team D.

3) All contestants, please be seated according to your placement.

4) For this stage, there will be 3 rounds. The first round is an individual round. The 2nd and 3rd round will be conducted in groups.

5) The scores for each group will be announced at the end of each round.

6) The overall scores will be announced at the end of this stage.

7) If any of the members break any rules or regulations, a red flag will be raised and marks will be deducted from the group.


1. Every participant MUST bring their own stationeries and the usage of scientific calculator is NOT ALLOWED during the competition.

2. Organizer has the right to DISQUALIFY any participant if found to be in violation of the rules and conditions of the competition. Every decision by the judge is irrevocable and cannot be questioned.

3. Registration fees WILL NOT BE REFUNDED in the event of any withdrawal from the competition.

4. Maximum of only TWO TEAMS are allowed to register for each school.

5. For any further information regarding the UMC 2020, please visit our facebook page at or contact our person at