The idea of organizing an academic competition that is quiz oriented which involve mathematics subject was triggered by a group of students from the faculty of education. It gives an opportunity for the members of Mathematics Education Students Association also known as MESA to organize the Ultimate Mathematics Challenge UMC. UMC received lot of positive response by the members of MESA when was voiced out for the first time during the Annual Grand Meeting of MESA. UMC will involve the participation of students from secondary schools across Malaysia and other ASEAN countries. The prize offered are very interesting for the winners of this competition. UMC 2020 is held in order to fill the MESA activity calendar of 2020 while cultivating the interest of participants and organizers towards the Mathematics subject. Furthermore, the different concept of this competition is expected to expose additional dimensions about the Mathematics subject. The competitive attitude in the environment is hope to educate the participants to stay motivated and competitive in any field they proceed. We hope that this competition get to be executed successfully and receive lots of involvement from the schools across Malaysia and other ASEAN countries.


1. As an opportunity for the university students to enhance their skills in handling program that is competition oriented so that can be applied when becoming an educator later.

2. Train university students to draft and create questions so that can be applied at school during teaching later.

3. Enable university students to apply techniques learnt in creating questions for the competition in various level and field of thinking.

4. Foster a sense of tolerance within the students while maintaining healthy competition through academic-based activities.

5. UMC provides students the chance and opportunity to show their ability to solve problems regarding Mathematics.