
What is Mathzzle?



The rules and regulations for Mathzzle game are as followed :

1. Participants need to go to the right table as ordered by the invigilator.

2. Participants have to pick a lucky draw and seat according to lucky draw tag that will determine your turn in playing the game.

3. Each player starts by randomly picking up a total of NINE tiles :

a. 4 tiles from compartment – Whole Number

b. 2 tiles from compartment – Operator

c. 2 tiles from compartment – Advanced Symbol

d. 1 tile of equal sign

4. The first player that form number sentences on board will get double point of score.

5. After finishing one turn, player need to picks out from the unused tiles the same total number of tiles allowed from each different compartment to form a new number sentence.

6. Each player only have 1 minute as a limit time for a turn and 30 seconds additional time for the invigilator to record the score.

7. If the player cannot solve the game in the meantime, automatically his/her turn is over and the turn will go to the next player.

8. The game will be end after all players complete 7 turns.

9. For the last turn, the player does not need to take the new tiles anymore.

10. The player’s score is deducted by the sum of his/her unplayed tiles.

11. The player with the highest final score wins the game.


The rules and regulations for Mathzzle game are as followed :

1. Participants need to go to the right table as ordered by the invigilator.

2. Participants have to pick a lucky draw and seat according to lucky draw tag that will determine your turn in playing the game.

3. Each player starts by randomly picking up a total of NINE tiles :

a. 5 tiles from compartment – Whole Number

b. 3 tiles from compartment – Operator

c. 1 tile of equal sign

4. The first player that form number sentences on board will get double point of score.

5. After finishing one turn, player need to picks out from the unused tiles the same total number of tiles allowed from each different compartment to form a new number sentence.

6. Each player only have 1 minute as a limit time for a turn and 30 seconds additional time for the invigilator to record the score.

7. If the player cannot solve the game in the meantime, automatically his/her turn is over and the turn will go to the next player.

8. The game will be end after all players complete 7 turns.

9. For the last turn, the player does not need to take the new tiles anymore.

10. The player’s score is deducted by the sum of his/her unplayed tiles.

11. The player with the highest final score wins the game.


  1. During preliminary 1 and 2, the participants for primary and secondary schools will be separated into different halls.
  2. All the participants will compete simultaneously in the same hall for semi-final and final rounds.


All participants will take this first preliminary stage individually. Participants are required to enter the game hall with the original team and will be directed to different tables from their original team. The selection of participants for each round of the game is determined by lucky draw. This stage will last for only 45 minutes. Four (4) participants will compete for each set of Mathzzle games.

Mathzzle games will be run twice for the first preliminary stage which involve by 2 batches. The first batch will be participated by the participants from secondary school for 45 minutes. Then, follow by 15 minutes gap and will be continued by the second batch from primary school for 45 minutes. Each participant has 1 minute for each round of the game and additional 30 seconds for each participant to discuss/argue if there is any confusion in the scoring.

The participants' scores will individually be calculated from the highest to the lowest for each set of Mathzzle. Firstly, participant with the highest score will get 10 points. Secondly, participant who scored second highest will get 6 points. Next, participant who scored second lowest will get 4 points. Then, participant with the lowest score will get 2 points. Lastly, the scoring will be recorded by the judges upon completion of the first preliminary stage.


All participants will take part in this stage individually. Every participant’s competitor from the first preliminary will be remodelled. The participants need to enter the hall with their respective teams. The participants will be directed to the different table from their respective teams. The selection round will be determined by using ‘lucky draw’. This round will be conducted in 45 minutes only. Four (4) participants will play the game for each of the Mathzzle game set.

Mathzzle Competition will be conducted two times for the second preliminary which are two batches. First batch will be conducted by the participants from the secondary school in 45 minutes. There will be 15 minutes break and will be continued with the second batch from primary school in 45 minutes. Every participant has a limitation of one minute for every round and the additional thirty second for the participants to question if there is any mistake in the scoring.

The scoring for every participant is done individually followed by the highest marks to the lowest marks for every set Mathzzle. The participants that score the highest mark on the Mathzzle set will be counted for 10 marks, the participants that score the second highest mark on the Mathzzle set will be counted for 6 marks, the participants that score the third highest mark on the Mathzzle set will be counted for 4 marks and the participants that score the lowest on the Mathzzle set will be counted for 2 marks. The scoring will be noted by the judges once the round ends.

The scoring on the first preliminary and the second preliminary will be added to determine the highest score. If there are some students that gained the same marks in deciding 16 students of the highest marks, the scoring that followed the real format of Mathzzle will be counted for both rounds. There will be 15 minutes break before proceed to the semi-final.


Sixteen (16) participants who scored the highest scores will finish in the semi-finals of each batch. Participants are required to enter the game hall with the original team. Participants will be directed to a different table from the original team. The round selection of participants for each set of Mathzzle games is determined using the “lucky draw”. This roundup lasts only 45 minutes.

Each participant has a one-minute limit for one round of play and an additional 30 seconds for each participant to discuss if there is any confusion in scoring. All participants (secondary and primary) will have this round at the same time. Four (4) participants will compete for each set of Mathzzle games. This round is run in the real Mathzzle format. The scoring will be recorded by the jury upon completion of the semi-finals. A further 5 minutes of rest is allocated before the participants reach the final stage.


Four (4) participants who scored highest during the Mathzzle semi-finals qualified for each batch. The round selection of participants for each set of Mathzzle games is determined using the “lucky draw”. This roundup lasts only 45 minutes. Each participant has a one-minute limit for one round of play and an additional 30 seconds for each participant to discuss if there is any confusion in scoring. The scoring in this round is carried out in the true Mathzzle format. The winner with the highest score will be awarded the winner of the Mathzzle 2020 competition.


1. Every participant MUST bring their own stationeries and the usage of scientific calculator is NOT ALLOWED during the competition.

2. Organizer has the right to DISQUALIFY any participant if found to be in violation of the rules and conditions of the competition. Every decision by the judge is irrevocable and cannot be questioned.

3. Registration fees WILL NOT BE REFUNDED in the event of any withdrawal from the competition.

4. Maximum of only TWO TEAMS are allowed to register for each school.

5. For any further information regarding the UMC 2020, please visit our facebook page at or contact our person at