

Instructions for SUDOKU CHALLENGE:

1. Participants are required to fill in your personal information in the space provided.

2. Participants are not allowed to open the question paper until being told to do so.

3. Participants are not allowed to go out of this room during the 30 minutes.

Rules and regulations for SUDOKU CHALLENGE:

1. Participants are not allowed to bring calculator.

2. Any electronic devices need to be switch off or silent mode and place on the floor.

3. Participants are not allowed to discuss, copy or talk to the other participants. Participants will get a red card from the invigilators as warning. If this warning is ignored, the participant will be disqualified.

4. The invigilators will collect the papers once the time is end. The invigilators have the right to not collecting your answer paper if the participants still answering after the time ended.


1. Participants are required to answer SUDOKU in 30 minutes. Participants will answer as many as sudoku sets in 30 minutes.

2. The invigilators will ring the bell at minute 25. It means that the participants only have 5 minutes left to answer the SUDOKU set.

3. The invigilators will ring in the 30th minute indicating that the time has expired.

4. After each round, participants will have 15 minutes break before the next round start.


First Round

Each team will be represented by 2 participants will compete individually according to the schedule prepared by the organizer. 10 sets of easy level Sudoku will be given. Total individual marks for both participants will be total up at the end of the competition. Rules for the game is based on the real Sudoku’s format. Times given is 30 minutes. Total marks will be sum up.

Second Round

Each team will be represented by 2 participants will compete individually according to the schedule prepared by the organizer. 10 sets of moderate level Sudoku will be given. Total individual marks for both participants will be total up at the end of the competition. Rules for the game is based on the real Sudoku’s format. Times given is 30 minutes. Total marks will be sum up.

Third Round

Each team will be represented by 2 participants will compete individually according to the schedule prepared by the organizer. 10 sets of hard level Sudoku will be given. Total individual marks for both participants will be total up at the end of the competition. Rules for the game is based on the real Sudoku’s format. Times given is 30 minutes. Total marks will be sum up.


1. Every participant MUST bring their own stationeries and the usage of scientific calculator is NOT ALLOWED during the competition.

2. Organizer has the right to DISQUALIFY any participant if found to be in violation of the rules and conditions of the competition. Every decision by the judge is irrevocable and cannot be questioned.

3. Registration fees WILL NOT BE REFUNDED in the event of any withdrawal from the competition.

4. Maximum of only FIVE TEAMS are allowed to register for each school.

5. For any further information regarding the UMC 2020, please visit our facebook page at or contact our person at